05 October 2010

Day 324 – Grayson’s Journey

Dear family and friends

Today Grayson was awakened with his usual morning music and was guided downstairs to breakfast in his usual fog. Grayson requires a lot of supervision, especially on the stairs, in the morning. Man that kid wakes up hard!

Regina got him up and out in about three hours. They spent most of the day running errands, but running errands with Regina isn't your typical errand-running. She parks as far away from the store as possible. She races Grayson to the store. If it is uphill that's even better! All the time they are out she is talking to him and challenging him to move faster, identify what he sees, to use his words and to use full sentences. Errands are the new therapeutic home program – Reed style!




  1. You are lucky to have such a strong, patient lady working with you through this experience! I don't know of many people who would rise to the challenge with so much grace and love.

    Hope to see Grayson one of these days!

    Sarah Smock

  2. Music therapy AND errand therapy. . . what a woman!
