25 October 2010

Day 344 – Grayson’s Journey

Dear family and friends

Today, in addition to his regular therapies, Grayson went to the grocery store to purchase items that he can bring to the Halloween Pot Luck at the clinic tomorrow. He was assigned the salad, so he and his occupational therapist went to the store to acquire the salad fixings!

Today Grayson, and the two of us, met with his court appointed attorney. Friday is the court hearing to determine if Regina and I should be appointed as Grayson's conservators. The court has appointed Grayson counsel so that he may be fairly represented. I have been quite impressed with this process and the caring of the individuals involved. I am hoping that things will go smoothly on Friday.

In general, Grayson was slow this morning, but was quite active and alert this evening. A good day!



1 comment:

  1. Hi Brant and Regina:

    We have some good processes...as long as we have good folks following the process, all should be well.

    In Him,

