17 October 2010

Day 336 – Grayson’s Journey

Dear family and friends

Today was a full day. Grayson and Regina were at church by 9:45 to attend the special congregational meeting to vote on the call of a new associate pastor. I am happy to report that she was called, and we now have two pastors for the first time since 2005!

After church, Grayson and Regina went to lunch then grocery shopping. Tonight Regina, Grayson, Austin, Xixi, Lauren and her boyfriend went out to dinner. They were just sitting down to dinner as I returned to my hotel room after finishing a leisurely dinner with business associates in Orlando! Ah, the curvature of the Earth!

Grayson was particularly aware today – the exact opposite of yesterday. He was more active, more participative and more vocal. In fact, he initiated conversation a few times – that is extraordinary! Several folks commented on it, so it wasn't just us. Good news – I wish it was more consistent.

On a personal note, today marks my 33rd anniversary of joining Hughes Aircraft, now part of the Boeing Company. It is hard to believe that so much time has passed, and that I am now housed in Seal Beach, a former Rockwell facility. Change is the only constant in nature!



1 comment:

  1. Hi Brant and Regina:

    Congratulations on your 33 years! See, you ARE a keeper after all!!!!!!!!

    In Him,

