03 May 2010

Day 169 – Grayson’s Journey

Dear family and friends

Today after Grayson arrived back at the residence from the clinic, he had his usual 30 minutes of rest (today he sat on the couch and read the National Geographic Magazine), then he got to his chores. Today is bathroom cleaning day, one of MY all time favorites. He was not at all interested in doing that job today, and he got frustrated with his residential assistant (RA) when she asked him to finish, and he struck at her. She is quite adept at redirecting his frustration, and had him chill for a while on the couch with his magazine. After that, he was helpful and cooperative for the rest of the evening.

Generally, when Grayson makes dinner, he helps his RA. Tonight, Grayson did most of the work himself, while his RA cued him with directions and sequence. Tonight he made a hamburger and a salad. With the usual reminders, he rinsed his dishes and put them in the dishwasher.

After the dinner clean-up, Grayson took out the trash and picked up the mail. There was a letter from Lauren in the mailbox today, and he was quite excited to receive it. After reading the letter, he went on a walk around the facility several times.

After the walk, it was time for his therapeutic home program (THP). After his orientation questions (he still can't get the street number correct for his facility), he did two different exercises. In the first exercise, he was shown two pictures then asked to describe similarities and differences. Picture pairs included things like a flower pot and a vase, a policeman and a fireman, and a radio and a television. He was able to correctly describe the similarities and differences on each pair. The second THP was listening to a sentence and then answering questions about it. He was able to answer all 15 correctly.

Grayson's RA then asked him if he would like to write a letter back to Lauren, and Grayson said yes. As you may recall from previous posts, Grayson's hand tremors, while improving, still make it impossible for him to write successfully. His RA placed her hand over his and guided him to write the words he spoke. The letter was addressed and put in the mail, then it was time to chill for a few minutes of television before bed.

All in all, I think that today was a pretty good day!




  1. Hi Brant and Regina:

    I'll bet Lauren will save that letter for ever! What a gift...brothers do love their sisters...really!

    In Him,


  2. I think the 'chores' portion of rehabilitation deserves some praise. I told Lawrence that Grayson is FAR ahead of him in the bathroom clean-up department, and that even though Lawrence is a great cook, 'policing the kitchen' is not one of his chosen talents. Lawrence smiled and said he would try to take a few tips from Grayson in the future.
