18 May 2010

Day 184 – Grayson’s Journey

Dear family and friends,

Grayson surprised me when he answered the phone in the apartment himself. He immediately recognized my voice.

He was enjoying vanilla ice cream and told me that he had been singing tonight. I was able to confirm later that indeed he had been singing karaoke in the community room tonight with several others. Yippee, an accurate short term memory!

The remainder of our conversation included one word answers from Grayson until he just stopped answering me at all. At this point, I asked if he was watching TV, since we know he is currently close to incapable of paying attention to anything else when it is on. He was, of course, and it was "something funny". Who would want to compete with that?

I wished him a good night and asked him to give the phone to his RA. "See you tomorrow - goodbye", he said and hung up. I smiled as I listened to the dial tone and pictured him laughing at the TV eating his vanilla ice cream.

He was happy tonight and that was good enough for me.

Grace and peace,



  1. AMEN!!!!!

    In Him,


  2. A wise mom knows when the time is up! You didn't press for more when there was not more at that moment – good for you.
