28 May 2010

Day 193 – Grayson’s Journey

Dear family and friends

Today Grayson had a "National Geographic" day. After he returned home from the clinic, he had his daily 30 minutes of rest and/or TV. Then he was cued to start dinner. Tonight dinner was fish, mashed potatoes and pears.

After dinner Grayson went to his room for a while and watched the pictures on his electronic frame. We have loaded about 50 pictures in there from various memorable parts of his life, and of family activities. After a long time he came out with his National Geographic, then sat on the couch and slowly, methodically went through the entire magazine. He took time out of his reading to put in a load of laundry.

After a while, his residential Assistant (RA) worked with Grayson on his therapeutic home program. After that, Grayson was allowed to watch 30 minutes of TV.

At the conclusion of TV time, Grayson went back to his new National Geographic magazines and proceeded to review them as long as he was able. By about 7:30 PM, he was winding down. He got ready for bed and by 8:30 he was in bed – reading his new National Geographic!



1 comment:

  1. Hi Brant and Regina:

    ...I always loved National Geographic. Grandpa George used to give me all of his "left over" NGs. They were all black and white [that dates me] but I was just smitten by them. I know where Grayson is coming from...not a bad day when you can huddle-up and feast on a good National Geographic.

    Sweet dreams, Grason.

    In Him,

