26 May 2010

Day 192 – Grayson’s Journey

Dear family and friends

After getting "stuck" getting off the bus, Grayson had a good evening. When he did manage to get off the bus, he went to his apartment for his normal 30 minutes of rest and TV. After the time was up, he got up to help his residential assistant (RA) prepare dinner. After dinner and clean-up, he worked with his RA on his therapeutic home program (THP). According to the RA, he did quite well, and that the THP's are getting more difficult. Tonight he had to answer several questions after listening to a sentence of information..

After he finished the THP's, Grayson and his RA went over to the Swain Center (the rec center) to wish one of the residents a happy birthday. There was cake and a bit of a party atmosphere. Good fun was had by all – cake too! After leaving the Swain Center, Grayson took a walk for a bit then checked the mail.

While his RA was on her break, another RA came in to spell her. Grayson and the substitute RA did not hit it off at all, and it led to some aggressive behavior on Grayson's part. When asked later why, Grayson stated that, "they got on my nerves." One of the things that Grayson has to relearn is self control and socially appropriate behavior. These are hard lessons to learn at 24.9 years old. Let's just keep praying that he
eventually does!



1 comment:

  1. Hi Brant and Regina:

    Having come through something a like this, I have a sympathetic hear for Grayson. Me may not be all wrong--and of course he needs to relearn how to let that stuff roll off of his back. A very real target to pray at.

    In Him,

