09 May 2010

Day 175 – Grayson’s Journey

Dear family and friends

We weren't in Bakersfield, so we were not with Grayson today. We attended our own church today – only one of a small handful of times since last November. How shocked we were that we were part of the sermon! The sermon was about peace, and Pastor said that he was inspired by our ability in times of incredible adversity to be at peace. While flattered, we tend to think that we are simply doing the best job we can to hold it together, and don't think of ourselves as particularly inspirational. God provides the inspiration and the strength, and his angels on earth remind us of that and show us every day with their good works. Thanks to all of you at Salem, and around the world, for showing us your love.

I spoke with Grayson this evening, and he had a good day. He slept in late, as there was no pressing need to get up. The rest I'm sure did him good, considering how tired he was yesterday. This afternoon, he spent a fair amount of time scrubbing the bathroom to get it ship shape. If you have ever seen the residences, the places are always very clean. This is a good thing!

After the bathroom cleaning, Grayson proceeded to make dinner – chicken fajitas with rice. After dinner and dishes, he did his therapeutic home program (THP). Then he swept the kitchen floor. Well, he tried to sweep the floor. Like an incident a few weeks ago, he sort of swept at the floor, not making contact. His residential assistant (RA) cued him and helped him understand how to sweep the floor, then Grayson did a fine job. When all of the chores were done, he had about 30 minutes to enjoy some TV until it was time for bed.

To all mothers out there, I wish you a blessed day. I am grateful for all each of you do for your children, and you are all a gift from God to all of us.




  1. Hi Brant and Regina:

    Well, your pastor is right....I observe your steadfast love, hard work, and faith every day on this blog. You aren't in it for the sprint [though if you need to sprint, you do], but for the long haul, and that is tough but good.

    Don't you love your home church?! They are with you in thick and thin. They just love ya, that's all. No frill stuff, just God stuff. Rest in His grace, Reed's; and may the Lord move you all "further on and further in"!

    In Him,


  2. I thought of Ellen on Mother's Day and missed her.
