09 August 2010

Day 267 – Grayson’s Journey

Dear family and friends

Grayson had a low key evening after he returned home from the clinic. Grayson and his roommate and their residential assistants (RA) went for a walk to the park across the street. They sat on a bench and watched a pick-up soccer game. According to his RA, Grayson was laughing out loud at several of his roommates jokes. It is always fun to hear Grayson laugh these days and the good news is that he does it a lot.

After the soccer match, they left the pitch (field) to return to the residence to prepare dinner – steak with mashed potatoes and green beans. After dinner Grayson watched a little TV before getting ready for bed. As I said – a low key day.

Probably more significant than the "low-keyness" is the fact that Grayson was cooperative and helpful and had no behavior issues this evening. The reason that is more significant than normal is that Grayson had a new RA this evening – someone that he has not worked with in the past. In fact, he has had several new RAs in the past few days. In all cases, Grayson has had no issues. Just a month or so ago, Grayson did not respond well to several of the staff, as they appeared to get on his nerves. Today things just are calmer and he seems content to cooperate and do his chores. Good news indeed!



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