22 August 2010

Day 280 – Grayson’s Journey

Dear family and friends

Today Regina and I made the trip to Bakersfield to visit Grayson. He was excited to see us when we arrived and he had a bit more energy than he has had the past visit or two. He was happy, interested in what we were doing, and had a voracious apetite!

We were pleased to hear that Grayson's behavior over the past few days has been very good and that he even got right up from bed this morning, something that the staff is certainly not used to!

We went to lunch at Chipotle and he polished off a burrito bowl as Regina and I decided that we could split one in the future. We ran several errands this afternoon, none of which Grayson found exciting, but he was engaged and observant the entire time. After our errands we enjoyed a treat as we usually do. Today Cold Stone Creamery was Grayson's choice.

After our treat we went back to the residence to take a swim and play in the pool. This is good for Grayson. He still has difficulty getting into the water and appears quite unsure of his footing on the steps getting into the pool. Usually slow encouragement to bend his knees and step down does the trick. The pools there are only 5 ft at the deepest point and Grayson spends much of the time half out of water due to his height! One of these days he may even try to put his head in the water but we are not there yet.

We left this evening as Grayson was sitting down for dinner and starting the wind down for the day. It was a great visit today!




  1. Ah, yes. Going down stairs. I'm developing my own "interesting" relationship with that. I do best in a narrow stairwell where I can grab both walls, or if I'm lucky, both rails.

    My brother is teaching his toddler how to use the "sit" method to go down stairs. A tempting idea, but then there's the "stand up" thing at the end. And, of course, the explaining "what did you do to your pants?" to your wife. Life presents us its challenges, and always with its unique sense of humor.

  2. Hi Brant and Regina:

    Back from HOT Texas to the cool Northwest!

    ...oh yes...the "stairs". My calamity was over 3 years ago and I am mostly recovered [except in areas that I haven't recovered yet], and I still find that "stairs" and "concentration" are synonyms!

    I took a huge tumble down our front stair one night after I was able to walk again....even after telling myself to "be careful now Doug"....I was by myself, came to at the bottom of the stairs after the fall, called 911 who took me to the E-Room, and I was just fine [Kemi did have to bring in a carpet cleaner to pick up a little blood that I deposited on my way down!]....but I didn't remember a thing about the fall...just woke up at the bottom of the stairs. I wouldn't recommend this type of excursion however. Now I hold on to anything I can, and even drive my heals into the stair risers to give me a little extra grip, if you know what I mean [this doesn't make me popular with Kemi, either!]

    In Him,

