24 August 2010

Day 282 – Grayson’s Journey

Dear family and friends

When I called tonight, Grayson was in the rec center for Karaoke Night. This has become a big event weekly at the center and now quite a few patients from the residence come to the event along with several others from the outlying assisted living houses in the neighborhood. The bottom line – the rec center is packed with people. Grayson was, in the words of his residential assistant (RA), a "perfect angel" tonight.

One of the disadvantages of this being so large an event is that Grayson no longer sings. He has become increasingly less vocal over the past several months, most likely from everyone asking him to repeat himself. I think that he has given up for a while on being verbal. While Grayson was never afraid to perform in front of a large crowd, it is clear that he has lost the confidence he once had due to the way he thinks he sounds.

I called back after he arrived back at his apartment and I spoke with him while he was laying down listening to his audio book – probably the 30th day on chapter one. With his poor short term memory, the same chapter is a new book every night. When I asked him what he did tonight, he didn't remember going to the rec center or listening to karaoke.

We are really feeling the pressure that Grayson will be coming home in the next few weeks. We have a patient conference tomorrow and I expect that we will know a lot more after that.



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