02 March 2010

Day 106 – Grayson’s Condition

Dear family and friends

Today was an exciting day for Grayson!

As soon as Grayson arrived back at the residence from the clinic this afternoon, Grayson moved from one apartment to another. Not a long distance move, but to the apartment next door. Necessitated by other moves at the complex, and desiring to keep staff with patients and patients in appropriate rooms, several folks wound up moving today. Lots of excitement!

Grayson actively participated in moving things and setting up his new room. He was quite helpful, moving foodstuffs, refrigerator items, clothing, personal items and the like. His staff remains the same, and so other than geography, things should remain the same. Change is exciting and sometimes unnerving, however. I got the sense that for Grayson, the jury was still out, but that he was not upset by the move. He has a very nice young man as a roommate, and the other room of his 3 bedroom unit is currently empty.

Today was also Monday – Music therapy at the rec center! Grayson went down there with a few other patients and wound up singing karaoke. Grayson had a ball, actively participated and stayed several hours. He also played Wii during the downtime. Regina and I spoke with him just as he returned to his apartment, and he sounded great. It was also later than he generally stays up now, so we were surprised that he was still going strong.

It was another good day full of life and song!



1 comment:

  1. Grayson went to USC with my son; I have been following your blog since the beginning. Though I do not know Grayson, there are days when his story brings joy to my heart and days it brings tears to my eyes. I have prayed for you all and will continue to lift up your family to our God who is faithful never to leave or forsake us. I know He is beside you for each step of this journey.
