19 March 2010

Day 124 – Grayson’s Journey

Dear family and friends

Late this afternoon we drove up to Bakersfield to visit Grayson. We visited him in his apartment this evening. He was having great difficulty focusing and being productive. He was way off of his game, and had so much trouble concentrating on his therapeutic home program (THP), that he spent at least 45 extra minutes just trying to avoid the task rather than spending the 15 minutes it would take to do it. The likely cause to this was a reduction in one of his meds that occurred late yesterday. This is such a difference from last weekend – the roller coaster is still taking us for a ride! Let's hope that the rest of the weekend improves, and that he adjusts positively to his new med regimen.

We brought several movies with us for Grayson to choose to watch this weekend. The one Grayson chose to watch this evening was Young Frankenstein (or should I say, "Fraank-en-steen). While the movie is very funny, hearing Grayson laugh out loud was truly heartwarming. Guten nacht, Frau Blucher! (And what comes next?) Thanks to Mel Brooks, the evening ended on a happy note.



1 comment:

  1. My favorite line from that movie is, "IX-NAY on the OTTEN-RAY"... my dad was always speaking in pig latin and that line made me laugh out loud.
