20 March 2010

Day 125 – Grayson’s Journey

Today five angels came to spend the day with Grayson.

Five of Grayson's closest female friends in high school spent an absolutely beautiful day with him. They shared a picnic in the park and fed him tangerines. They walked around the lake and laughed over old and treasured memories. They poured over their yearbooks with him and told stories. Later, back at his residence, they sang karaoke for at least an hour and a half – full voice, with harmony and dance breaks.

These sweet, young women helped to fill his day with smiles and laughter and song. The perfect day.

As I listened to them reminisce about musicals, plays and concerts they had performed and worked together, I remembered how important each of them had been to Grayson. What a part of his heart each of them has filled. The love they shared with him today is possible because they have been sharing it since middle school.

A wise man (Dr. Robert Parker) keeps reminding us that our greatest gift to Grayson is to meet him at his point of need. Those words mean more and more to me each day. Not where he was, not where we had hoped he'd be at 24, but where he is today. As Grayson works through his frustration to regain some control over his thoughts, words, motions and responses, it filled me to overflow to see him bathed in the love and attention of genuine friends. They came and met him figuratively and literally at his point of need.

These friends and the incredible faculty and staff of Flintridge Prep continue to be among those we consider to be great blessings in our lives.

Grace and peace.



  1. We had such a wonderful time with Grayson. Thank you so much for letting us visit. It made me so happy to spend the day with him and see his sense of humor and flashes of mischievousness. Spending time with him meant more to me than I will be able to express.

  2. I am very happy that we got to come see Grayson- and you! Miraculous that we were all able to come together too, as even when we try a whole lot harder we never seem to be able to get all of us in the same place at the same time. I only wish i could visit more often. I miss him already and feel like I was only beginning to get a feel for who the new Grayson is- which, personality-wise is essentially the same, with a few personality traits augmented and a few suppressed by all the new obstacles with which he is presented! I am grateful and excited and so so happy to be able to see and interact with Grayson, and learn about what that friendship means. You are all in my thoughts as his journey continues. <3
