24 March 2010

Day 129 – Grayson’s Journey

Dear family and friends

I'm in St Louis on business travel this week, but I have spoken with Grayson every day. Because I have been out of town, you have had the privilege of reading the eloquent prose of my beautiful wife. She is quite an excellent writer, isn't she! I love the perspective that Regina brings to the blog.

Grayson had a low short-term memory day today. When I spoke with him at 4:30 PM his time, he had no memory of going to the clinic, riding the bus or any therapy today. As disappointing as that is, he has had some exciting short-term memory events over the past few days, so I hold out hope that today was an anomaly. We need to keep in mind that Grayson has been subjected to med changes over the past two weeks, and there may be some near term impact on both behavior and memory as he adjusts to those meds changes.

I fly home tomorrow, then Regina and I will visit Grayson over the weekend. The visit will give us a better handle as to how he is doing since our last visit. In a game of two steps forward and one backward, the important thing to remember is that there is still net progress!



1 comment:

  1. Hi Brant and Regina:

    The "back steps" are as important as the "steps forward". They are a time of "reconsideration", "reinvigoration", intentional correction, and are a foundation for the next "two steps forward". All in His time and in His way.

    Sorry for the double post yesterday...the first time I sent it, it didn't seem to "post" so I did it again...then today I saw that both of them posted. Oh well, twice done is half shy!

    In Him,

