05 March 2010

Day 110 – Grayson’s Condition

Dear family and friends

Late this afternoon we drove up to see Grayson. It's a good thing we didn't stop on the way for dinner, or we would have missed him! We arrived, had a short visit, and then he was off to the theater to see a new play in town. Such culture!

He gave us a tour of his new apartment. His room was neat and his dresser drawers were very organized. Family pictures were up on the bulletin board. Clothes were hung neatly in his new much-larger closet. He was never this neat before!

Both Regina and I noticed a marked improvement in his speech and in his self control. His behavior has been outstanding. Tonight he even brought me my coat when it was time to leave, and held it for me to put it on. Wow! While we don't know for sure, we suspect that the meds that he started a week ago have made a difference.

While Grayson is improving, I do not delude myself how difficult his life will become. I need to remind myself occasionally of the research in the area of cardiac arrest (CA) induced anoxia, and how challenged the patients and their families are. On the bright side, his age is the wild card. Generally CA induced anoxia happens to folks in my age bracket, not Grayson's. We continue to pray and hope for continued success, in the knowledge that God has a plan.




  1. Hi Brant and Regina:

    Yes, this is a long road, but a good one. You are in our prayers every step of the way.

    In Him,


  2. You can train someone to talk. To clean their room. To cook for themselves.

    You can't train someone to be kind. To think immediately about how to care for others.

    Now, that is definitely "the old Grayson." And that's what's going to make the road easy. Annoying? Heavens, yes! Long? Also yes! But a loving spirit goes along way to making the bumps in life's road easier to withstand, and to travel over.
