31 March 2010

Day 136 – Grayson’s Journey

Dear family and friends

According to his residential assistant (RA), today was a great day for Grayson. The RA explained to Grayson how he was scored on his activities of daily living (ADL) and that the better the score, the sooner that he could go home. That motivated him this evening, and he did his chores by himself with little or no prompting. He stayed in the kitchen and helped to prepare dinner, he did his laundry, checked the mail, and at one point he even asked to do his therapeutic home program (THP) – his homework. Now that is a switch!

Tonight his THP's included orientation and cognitive activity. He continues to improve on his orientation questions (where he is, what is the date, etc.), and tonight his cognitive questions required him to listen to a factoid then answer a question on it. For example, "The blue birds fly faster than the red birds. In a race, what bird do you expect to reach the finish first?" This is a good exercise for working memory.

After chores, dinner and THP's, Grayson went with several other residents to the rec center for a long night of karaoke. He and the other residents sang for over 2 hours. He came back, and went immediately to bed.

A good and pleasant day, work with purpose followed by fun with music. I'm not sure that I could ask for more! Meds change again tomorrow – let's pray that the adjustment will be quick.



1 comment:

  1. Hi Brant and Regina:

    A good report, indeed! Home...the best motivation!!!

    In Him,

