16 March 2010

Day 120 – Grayson’s Journey

Dear family and friends

First some adminsitrivia. We have made a change to the format of our daily title. "Grayson's Condition" just didn't feel right anymore. Regina and I discussed it on our way to Bakersfield this weekend, and decided to change it to "Grayson's Journey" as more fitting the longer term nature of the recovery.

As Regina mentioned yesterday, Grayson has shown some improvement in his short term memory. We mentioned early in the day on Sunday that some friends were coming to visit the following weekend, and we shared the names with him. Several hours later, when we asked him who was coming the next weekend, he was able to repeat back who was coming. This is huge, as it is starting to show that some short term memory is starting to return.

In a conversation with his case manager at the rehab facility today, we discussed Grayson's progress. Over the past two weeks, Grayson has improved in several areas. The most significant improvement has been in the area of cooperation and participation. That is significant because by participating, Grayson receives the benefit of the therapy.

Regina's blog posting yesterday reminded me of this musical setting of the Parable of the Prodigal Son that the boys and I performed at our church a few years back. Enjoy!




  1. It's wonderful to read about Grayson's continuing improvement. Thanks for keeping us posted on his progress and for sharing so much of your lives with everyone in this journey. The video clip is great!

    Cathy Gredell

  2. It was a good thing that I had sunglasses on that day and kleenex handy as I watched it today. It was a nice reminder that this life is a journey and the players and roles change all throughout our travels. Remember that there are a lot of us traveling this path with you. Prayers and peace, Cheryl P

  3. I am so excited to visit Grayson on Saturday! This facility sounds wonderful and I can't wait to see it.
