10 May 2011

Day 541 – Grayson’s Journey

Dear family and friends

Grayson was bright and alert all day! Regina spent time working with Grayson this morning and he was talking more than he has been in a while. Mind you that isn't very much, but words are words! After I finished work this evening, Grayson and I went on our regular walk – a one-mile round-trip up hill to the golf course and back.

Austin and Xixi came by and joined us for dinner this evening and we were delighted to have a house full of family once again this week.

Home therapy may not be as good as the clinic, but so far we are doing OK. We just need to find someone else that we can depend on to do it while we are away from home!



1 comment:

  1. Don't undersell the healing power of "home therapy." Sweep the steps, maybe. Carry the groceries up the steps or the trash down the steps. Laugh. Sing, even--there's a way to work that "communications" skill.

    Except, unlike the clinic, every cubic inch of space is filled with comfort and love: and the special magic of HOME.

    And in walking with him, you get healthier. (That would have cost you more at the clinic, wouldn't it? Two people benefitting from the same "treatment?") Plus you get quality father-son time together.

    Looks to me, from this distance at least, like an improvement in his healing environment.
