04 July 2010

Day 231 – Grayson’s Journey

Dear family and friends

Happy Independence Day!

We drove up to Bakersfield this morning, picked up Grayson and went to lunch. Today we combined our usual treat with lunch by going to Moo Creamery. There we had gourmet burgers and shakes.

After lunch we went back to the residence to swim. We spent roughly two hours in and around the pool with Grayson – a great way to beat the Bakersfield heat! Today it was a balmy 95. With no humidity to speak of, it was really rather pleasant!

Grayson was signed up to watch a fireworks show this evening so we bid our farewells around 7:30 and hit the road for home. We left Grayson preparing his dinner with his residential assistant (RA), gave lots of hugs and went on our way.

Every day is a new journey for Grayson. Today he was very unlike last weekend. He was pretty "stuck" on a lot of things – getting out of the car, putting on his swimsuit, etc. He did seem to have longer recall of things we did today (good news!), but he was a bit off his game otherwise.

Grayson's morning RA helped him rearrange his room today. When we arrived we took some pictures. Note the well wishes from his birthday are still prominently displayed!



1 comment:

  1. Hi Brant and Regina:

    You know, I really like the consistancy and routine development that Grayson is working on. I know from personal experience how much one looses in a calamity, and the grace of God and the establishment of good routines plotted my step by step redevelopment....to good outcomes. I'm so glad that the Lord has provided you with such good insights and "regularity". Grayson is so important, and these good routines seem to be "inching" along to more stability. We will continue to pray at that target with heavy rounds.

    In Him,

