15 July 2010

Day 242 – Grayson’s Journey

Dear family and friends

Grayson had a good day today. He arrived back at the residence and chilled for his usual 30 minutes. After the rest break he checked the mail. According to his residential assistant (RA) it was "wicked hot" outside! They retreated to the air conditioned oasis of the apartment and reviewed Grayson's checklist. First they completed Grayson's therapeutic home program (THP). Next Grayson tackled his chosen cleaning chore for the evening – vacuuming!

Dinner was a breeze this evening, because he had plenty of left-over's from last night's chicken fettuccini dinner. He added peaches, and voila – dinner was done!

After dinner, Grayson and his RA ran personal errands with the activities coordinator. Grayson got a haircut, then helped shop for some stuff for the residence. This was followed with an ice cream treat – cool night!!

Grayson returned to the apartment, got ready for bed and turned on his audio book, A Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. All in all a good day for Grayson!

Today Regina and I had a long conference with several staff members and the neurologist discussing discharge options and trying to build a plan that is in Grayson's best interest. This is a difficult task as there are very few facilities with the ability and expertise to accommodate a case as complex as Grayson's. Those that can accommodate him are simply unaffordable – by a lot. We continue to pray that the way will once again be made clear to us.



1 comment:

  1. Hi Brant and Regina--...and we are praying at that target too, knowing the He will guide you in the right way!

    In Him,

