12 July 2010

Day 239 – Grayson’s Journey

Dear family and friends

Today was another good day for Grayson. According to his residential assistant (RA), he was very cooperative and helpful all afternoon. He managed to run two full loads of laundry (across the complex because their dryer is on the fritz), prepared his dinner with minimal verbal cues, did his dinner clean-up, did his therapeutic home program (THP), and had an after-dinner snack.

When I spoke with him this evening, he was in a good mood, and sounded a little brighter than he has the past few days. His RA also reported that he had been a bit more verbal this evening. During his second laundry load, he found a dollar! He treated himself to a soda from the machine after his THP's tonight. A cold soda on a hot Bakersfield night – cool treat!



1 comment:

  1. Hi Brant and Regina:

    I've been "catching up" on the past several days of "Grayson's Journey", and the trend seems to be some noticable progress with a future of being back home. Wow....I am so glad that he has been able to have this traing in the Bakersfield facility--what a blessing. I'm sure "home" is going to be a super blessing to him and to all of you!

    In Him,

