10 July 2010

Day 237 – Grayson’s Journey

Dear family and friends

Grayson shocked his residential assistant (RA) this afternoon by choosing to do housework rather than go out by the pool. I was a bit shocked too, until I realized that not only was it hot today in Bakersfield, it was also uncharacteristically humid. Perhaps Grayson was looking for an excuse to stay in the air conditioned apartment! His RA told me that the apartment has never been cleaner! We will get an opportunity to see for ourselves tomorrow.

Dinner tonight consisted of chicken and rice – Grayson made the chicken, and his roommate made the rice – Teamwork!!

During some rest time today, Grayson put the CD in his player and started A Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. He is really enjoying that birthday gift! When I talked to him this evening he was reading his new xkcd comic book that he also received on his birthday – another gift he is really enjoying!

Yesterday I said that Grayson had gone to the movies. There were lots of things about the experience that were difficult for Grayson, and he was able to manage with some help from his RA. First, there was a long line to get in to the theater – something Grayson has had trouble with before. Next, there was a crowd to get in to the seating area, something that also makes Grayson edgy. Finally, there was a long time between sitting down and the start of the movie. His RA kept assuring him that things were OK and not to get wound up. Grayson paid attention, and was able to outwait the issues and then enjoy the movie. No problem behavior! Just for the record, the movie he chose to see was Predators. (A nice calming movie!)

We'll be visiting Grayson tomorrow. The last few weeks we have been spending time trying to prepare the house for his return. While we thought that home might be one of the options for his post-discharge care, we are coming to discover that his behavior and control issues are likely making it the only option for him. We will continue to keep working the issues, and pray that the Lord will lead us to a suitable care facility where Grayson can continue to maximize his potential, and where his quality of life is the best it can be for Grayson.



1 comment:

  1. I'm afraid I have to take the blame for a few of those machines... Grayson was having fun stripping machines, rebuilding them by recombining their parts, and then loading Unix. Just like those folks in our misspent youth who stripped and rebuilt "jalopies." Only, less grease. A lot less grease.

    It's tragic that today's insurance-based health-case system doesn't deal well with long-term care. They're great with the Jiffy-lube-style "pop in, pop out" problems, but "wait for that to regrow, no matter how much time it takes?" Not a good profit model, even if it is the correct "healing" model.

    But, his current caregivers appeared out of nowhere when they were needed. Really... C'mon, now, of all places, Bakersfield? Who'd have thought it? And even if he needs to go back home (for whatever length of time), the road will clarify; his visit home, however long, will create the opportunity to take him the next step.

    When the student is ready, the teacher appears--that's how the world works. Or, as it has been written: Knock, and the door will be opened. That's a promise that has never failed. Ever.
