22 July 2010

Day 249 – Grayson’s Journey

Dear family and friends

What a wonderful facility Grayson is privileged to be in. Tonight his residential assistant (RA) and the residential activities director took Grayson to a movie – a personal outing. The personal outing also involved dinner at Wendy's because the staff hadn't eaten yet. Grayson, who already had dinner prior to the outing, ordered a burger and fries and ate the whole thing!

When I spoke with Grayson, he was in bed. I asked him if he had gone to the movies and he said, "Yeah!" I asked him what he saw and I expected him to say, "I don't know." What he said, however was, "Marmaduke!"

Wow – he remembered! Thanks be to God.




  1. Hi Brant and Regina:

    Just back from a week at Cannon Beach...it was great! I enjoyed catching up on Grayson's week. It has been a great week from what I have read. I love the picture of Regina and Grayson, his new hair cut is the best, and his greating to Julie was really pretty nice. His night with the new guys made me think that he was the "old timer" to them, and I'll bet they were glad to see him so that they could meter their own progress with another who has had a similar calamity. I know I did that when I was in PT, and it really kicked me in the tail to work hard and do what I was supposed to do. It was great to see another progress and then be released...it made me double-down and hustle.

    In Him,


  2. The human brain is something incredible. While reading a book on brain injury I kept coming upon the descriptive term "plasticity" - referring to the brain's ability to bounce back and heal. We can celebrate every bit of Grayson's progress, knowing there is more to come.
