Dear family and friends
Here is a picture of Grayson with Regina this evening.
Today was a good day.
As the antibiotics take hold, the infection is starting to wane and Grayson remains strong. He had a full night of sleep last night. Perhaps it was the fact that we worked him hard all day! Nonetheless, he needs his night rest so he can take full advantage of the therapists during the day.
He is now starting to walk "laps" around the floor, and his distance is increasing daily. His PT friends wished he wasn't quite so impulsive (that looks interesting – turn left now!), but as he gains more control he will be able to keep himself from falling when something (or someone) turns his head. His posture while walking is even improved from yesterday. He also spent more time batting a balloon back and forth. He seems to enjoy the balloon time, and he really concentrates. It is great work for him.
Today his physical therapist was pleased that he did repetitive exercise successfully for the first time. Grayson was never much of "rep" person, but it is something he will have to become if he wants to increase his strength.
As 2009 winds down, I look forward to 2010 with great anticipation. Many are saying "good riddance" to 2009, and calling it a rotten year. True, some bad things happened in 2009, but some more are likely to happen in 2010 also. The richness of God's gift of a year of life usually comes with a few "growth opportunities" lurking in it. At Thanksgiving, Regina and I were unsure if Grayson would live. At Christmas, we wondered if he would ever walk and talk again. Now he is walking and starting to talk. I am thankful for all of the wonderful gifts that the Lord gave us in 2009, and I look forward to His surprises in 2010.
Brant and Regina