23 December 2009

Day 37 – Grayson’s Condition

Dear family and friends

Today was a good day.

Grayson had a good night last night. Even though he didn't sleep a wink, he was not a bother to the staff. The reason was that he was being rolled around in the wheelchair all night long. He didn't fuss and he was looking around holding his head erect most of the night. He flirted with the nurses, touched the hand rails, explored the "machine" (the soft drink machine – he is fascinated by it), and reached for and touched anything shiny. Bottom line – he was out of bed, and that must be a great relief – even to his caregivers who were only too happy to push the chair rather than fight with him in bed.

Unfortunately, this left him at an even greater than usual sleep deficit by morning. Like a young child, he fought sleep until it was too much, finally giving up the chair for bed at 12:15 PM today. After 3 hours of sleep, we rousted him again for physical therapy. He was so tired that about all he could was go back to the chair. He rolled around until he was again exhausted, and we laid him in bed around 7:00 PM. He immediately rolled on his side and looked like he was going to sleep. Then he slowly started tossing and turning, and the battle was lost. He was back in the chair by 8:30, after 45 minutes of personal hygiene, changing sheets, gowns, etc. I left around 9:15 and kissed him goodbye as he was fighting to stay awake in the chair. I hope he manages to get some sleep tonight. He needs his rest in order to concentrate on his rehab.

Speaking of rehab – it looks as if moving day is about upon us again. Grayson has progressed so well and so fast, that he is about ready for acute rehab. We started exploring facilities, and we think that we found a great one very close to home. That was absolutely wonderful news because it is even closer to Regina's office, allowing her to go have lunch with him, and visit before and after work. The other facility we were looking at is a wonderful one, but it is located even further away than our LTAC facility – another 20 to 30 minutes down the road. He was actually approved to move to the facility further away today, but we have delayed it a day or two to try and move to the closer facility. Grayson may get to acute rehab by Christmas! Considering that a week ago I thought we might be looking at rehab by Easter, if at all, this is indeed something to celebrate.

I am finally able to write something Regina and I have been sensing for a few days, but were afraid to say – Grayson is going to walk again. I just know that he will, and I base that on the progress of just the past few days. How much more of him will the Lord give us back? Stay tuned – that has not yet been revealed, but according to Jeremiah 29:11, He has a plan!


Brant and Regina


  1. I am so excited for you all! I sat here and cried tears of joy for you both. For your family. For Grayson. The Lord is amazing and how He goes about putting his plan into motion, has always fascinated me. Thank Dear Father for all this.

    Shelly Rawlins

  2. Hi Brant and Regina:

    Awha! Wow! To acute care rehab! He will get all of the "wheeling" he can put in his thimble there!

    I am really excited about his progress; I can remember the day I got admitted to acute care rehab after my illness. The admitting doc asked me what I thought they were going to be able to do with me, and I told him that I thought I would be able to walk again. Of course I was a bag of bones...all nearly quadded out. I told him that if the Lord had wanted me home he would have taken me, but since he hadn't I expected that He wanted me to go on with life and I thought that would include walking again. He said, "What is the object of your faith in that hope", and I told him that Jesus was the object of my faith. He stepped around from the foot of my bed, took my had, and with a twinkle in his eye he said, "Oh, you have the peace that passes all understanding don't you", and I said I did, and he prayed for me on the spot. I pray that Grayson will make the same, or BETTER, progress as he begins his acute care therapy...and that Jesus will be at his side all the way! "Pull-Fire"!

    In Him,


  3. I am so happy to hear this!!!

  4. God truly works in mysterious ways. Throughout all of this, I have read nothing but words of hope and strength from you guys, even when it was a hard day. Your strong faith is such a wonderful gift, Grayson has that same faith and drive in life...that is why he is recovering faster than expected. God has a plan for all of us and even though we might not understand, everything happens for a reason. You have been blessed with a wonderful family both in life and in Christ...Happy Holidays...my prayers of strength and patience go out to you and your family.

    Ryanne Hodgins
