04 December 2009

Day 19 – Grayson’s Condition

Dear family and friends

Today was a hard day.

Last night was particularly tough on Regina. Grayson has been weaned off of almost all of his sedation in order to be able to assess him neurologically. As a result, he was quite restless and churned about all night last night, and most of today. Keeping him calm and from hurting himself consumed big chunks of the night and day. Sleep is something she is finally getting at home tonight.

Grayson currently has no control over his limbs, or any apparent ability to focus or track with his eyes. He does appear considerably more comfortable with the feeding and breathing tubes out of his face. I was out of town this week, and was shocked when I returned and saw how much muscle mass he has lost in less than three weeks. His normally strong muscular legs have shrunk considerably.

Grayson will probably move out of ICU next week. From there it will be a short time before a move to rehab, so our new assignment is to find an appropriate residential facility for him – soon.

As always, we are so grateful for your prayers and notes of support. I can't stress enough just how important to us they are right now. Your faith continues to strengthen ours. Thank you.


Brant and Regina


  1. Hi Brant and Regina:

    We are following your course closely, and are praying for you all. We are thankful that Regina was able to rest last night....very important, indeed.

    In Him,

    Doug and Kemi

  2. Dear Regina,
    I am praying for you and have asked my friends who are mothers to include you in thier prayers as well. We are praying for your continued strength and grace.
