21 December 2009

Day 35 – Grayson’s Condition

Dear family and friends

Today was yet another good day with the same continuing challenges.

Grayson continues to gain strength. Today, for the first time since he was hospitalized he was able to squeeze Regina's hand with his left hand. Since the incident, his right side has been more severely affected than his left, and he was unable to do so with his right hand. He was also starting to use the fingers on his left hand to pick up an object. It is interesting to watch him stop thrashing about and focus every fiber of his being on being able to do something – raise his hands over his head, touch my nose, ears or moustache, or pick-up and hold something. Today, I think he misinterpreted my request to touch my hand. He slowly reached out, took my hand, and pulled it to his mouth and kissed it. OK, I lost it.

Last night we had three phone calls after I posted my blog about how hard the staff was having managing him. I believe that last night I said that if I could do it, anyone could. Well, that was yesterday. Today he has gotten even stronger, and it took Javier and me working together to keep him from hurting himself for several hours today. This was after Regina and Lauren had been there doing the same thing earlier today. Last night, there were four people there to keep him safe. He is getting so strong that he is becoming dangerous to himself. He so badly wants out of the bed we are finding it nearly impossible to keep him in it. However, like the dog chasing the tire of a passing car – what would he do if he caught it? If Grayson gets out of bed, we will be picking a 215 pound adult off of the floor (yes, he has lost 35 pounds since he was first admitted on November 16th). Worse yet, if he were to fall out of bed when his aide was momentarily distracted, he could sustain a serious injury to add to his already deep trouble.

My dear cousin Doug mentioned in his comment yesterday that this blog gave him targets to pray at. That was great, Doug! So here is another target for you: Lord, please keep Grayson safe from his emerging strength; that his caregivers be ever vigilant; and that if a fall should come, his head should land on a soft pillow in his bed. Amen.


Brant and Regina

1 comment:

  1. Hi Brant:

    OK, let's see how good my aim is!!! I'll be praying for Grayson, that the Lord would bring His peace to sooth Grayson and to give him the realization that "calm" is the goal, and that "selfcontrol" is the way of finally getting out of that bed! I remember from my recovery how much work "calm" is! It doesn't come naturally, when one's brain has been damaged...all of the circuitry needs to be refreshed, and it takes time for that to mend. So, we earnestly pray for Grayson's recovery, knowing that the struggle is real, is hard, but brings fruit in the end.

    In Him,

