14 December 2009

Day 29 – Grayson’s Condition

Dear family and friends

Today was another milestone. As of 11:30 AM PT, we are entering the 5th week of our journey.

Today was a tiring day.

Grayson slept very little today. He is not sedated, and he is strong. His agitation is not as angry or frustrated as before. He now "churns" more in slow motion and more calmly. But he still is going and going, kind of like the energizer bunny. Sleep comes occasionally, and for 2 to 3 hours at a time, then a short period of clarity, followed by hours of churning. Why? Your guess is as good as mine. Today Regina was with him on her feet for over 12 hours, and he slept less than three hours during that time.

Since Sunday, Grayson is in a new area of the hospital and the staff doesn't know his routine. Today, to simplify things for the staff, they moved him from a private room to a semi-private room. The reason – so Grayson's sitter could also look after someone else. The staff had no idea how much effort Grayson is when he is awake, and they also assumed that Grayson would sleep through the night. Assumptions are not always a good thing to base decisions on without assurance that they are true! We'll see how everyone feels in the morning, but Grayson is certainly being a handful now. Fortunately, he has been going long enough, that he may just give them a break shortly.

We will probably be leaving here this week. I'm not sure of the date yet, but we are fast approaching our departure. We will be leaving a hospital 1.8 miles from our house and moving to one that is 20 miles away. This is a sign that he is getting better, but it is sad that he won't be as convenient. At our new facility he will be in much closer quarters with fellow patients, but have greater access to physical and speech therapy.

Unlike flow charts, time moves in one direction. I wish that there was a decision block that would allow us to go back and redo some things. Unfortunately this is not the case. I am grieving the loss of the past, while wondering what lies in store for us in the future. I am comforted that God has a plan.


Brant and Regina


  1. Hi Brant and Regina,
    It seems ast though me earlier comment was not posted. I am a friend of Grayson's and would have contacted you ealier, but just found out about his heart attack and condition Sunday night. I want you to know that my thoughts and prayers are with Grayson, you, and your family: as well as my family's and our mutual friend Jenny's. There hasn't been a single SECOND that has gone by since I learned of Grayson's condtion that you all and he have been on my mind. I just want to let you know that if you neee ANYTHING my family and I are here for you. You can contact me online at prncss92784@yahoo.com. I am also in his cell phone phone book under Sara. I think of all of you every moment and keep all of you in my payers day and night.

  2. The past your are grieving is a very good past. You had many wonderful days and experiences with Grayson in the past. The future may be difficult to see now, but it can be good, too. Not just if Grayson recovers his entire capabilities.... but because he is still alive and still aware on some level of the depth of your love, the safety he feels in your presence, the joy he has brought to your lives. With God's strength, you and Regina will be a ringing example of what true love means. Praying for you, Robin G.
