30 December 2009

Day 45 – Grayson’s Condition

Dear family and friends

Today was another good day.

Due to his infection, Grayson now has to wear a mask when he is outside his room, and all of us need to wear one when we are in his room. In spite of all of this, he is still progressing remarkably. Today he continued to improve his walking, becoming even more stable, and holding his head up very well. We now walk beside him just in case, and to do a little steering. He walked our 350 foot course twice today, the last one at quite a clip. He also practiced getting himself out of bed, standing up, turning and sitting in a chair. The problem for the team here is that he is so strong, that he frequently completes the exercise before all of the instructions are given.

On the occupational therapy front, Grayson batted a balloon back and forth with this therapist for about 15 minutes. He also reached high for cones and stacked them. As he is right handed, he always reaches first with his right hand, but he has very little finger control in that hand. When we asked him to reach with his left, he was much more able to grab and hold the cones. As you may recall, he has shown weakness in the right side since the accident.

We are starting to talk about the removal of the tracheostomy. Since we have a holiday weekend approaching, I doubt that anything will be done this week, but we are at least having the conversation. Perhaps next week we can get it out, and he can be a bit more comfortable.

The Lord has blessed us richly this week. Grayson is now on a very steep learning curve. Let's ride that curve as long as we can!


Brant and Regina


  1. These reports are absolutely awesome! At least you don't have to wear gloves with the masks?? Sometimes progress happens even faster than one can hope . . . maybe that trach will come out soon! More prayers are coming your way to ride that curve and even make it steeper!

    Cathy Gredell

  2. Hi Brant and Regina:

    Hanging Ten on the recovery curve is quite the adventure!!! We are all very excited to see how the Lord is restoring Grayson. A lot of "Winn Grins" are all over the place.

    We love you all so much and share your battle in prayer from afar, but in Spirit very near.

    In Him,


  3. Brant and Regina:

    We ONLY JUST heard about all of this today by way of Meirav's status message on Facebook. We had no idea anything had happened to Grayson. We're friends of his, though I don't believe we've met you.

    Strength and courage to you and to him as he recovers from this incident, and know that we'll keep him in our thoughts and best hopes.

    Mike and Carolyn

  4. I would like to echo what my girlfriend said above. Grayson is an amazing person and I have no doubt after reading about his progress that he will be home in no time. Thank you so much for the strength and courage that you have shown in sharing with us.

    You are all in my thoughts and I will be raising my glass to you tonight. Here's to a new beginning in the New Year.

    For Grayson, who I have always known to be appreciative of Irish culture, a traditional toast:

    May the road rise up to meet you.
    May the wind be always at your back.
    May the sun shine warm upon your face;
    the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,
    may God hold you in the palm of His hand.

    Best hopes and Wishes,
    Mike McMahon

  5. Batting a balloon around shows lots of coordinated thinking and movement - yea!! Step by step, Grayson.

    Love you all,
    Robin G.

  6. Brant & Regina,
    We continue to pray for Grayson's steady improvement and God's peace on your family. May 2010 be a wondrous year for all of you!

    Dave & Michele
