29 December 2009

Day 43 – Grayson’s Condition

Dear family and friends

Today was a day of recovery.

At 11:15 AM today, we passed another milestone – it has been 6 weeks since Grayson had his incident.

Grayson spent much of the day sleeping. He was running a fever most of the day, and the antibiotics were chasing bugs in his lungs and in his belly. The good news is that both were on the wane, and that the guys in white hats were winning the battle.

Grayson did manage to get one session of physical therapy (PT) in, as well as one session of occupational therapy (OT). Normally he would get two sessions, but he slept through all of the others. He is so tired, and the fever has just wiped him out.

After spending 26 hours at the hospital, I went home to prepare our belated Christmas dinner. After a day at her office, Regina came by to see that things were under control, and then came home to join us. At the 11 PM shift change, Regina went back to the hospital, and Jesus saved the day – Jesus the sitter had agreed to stay on until 7 AM. Jesus is one of the great sitters that we have benefited from. Regina came back home to have desert and all of us will have an opportunity to sleep at home tonight.

Blessings to all as we continue our Christmas celebration!


Brant and Regina


  1. Hi Brant and Regina:

    Sleep soundly my dear cousins; He has healing in His wings, and He hovers over us; gives us strength, and restored will.

    In Him,

  2. Praying!! Thanks for being so great about updating us all. Hugs all around. xo

  3. An Alfred Burt carol says, "Often comes Christ in the stranger's guise," but this story is probably not what he meant. But, good news is good news, no matter how it manifests!

  4. Even if it's two steps forward and one step back, at least you go forward! Glad you got some together time and some rest. It's a blessing to have dedicated workers willing to help!

    Robin G.
