29 December 2009

Day 44 – Grayson’s Condition

Dear family and friends

Today was a good day.

In spite of his infection, Grayson's fever has been improving. It is now at a manageable level and he has resumed the full course of therapy. Today he had all forms – physical, occupational and speech – and we had quite a day. During his physical therapy, Grayson walked with his therapist on one arm, and me on the other. All we provided was a safety net so he didn't fall. He walked the full length of the corridors in his wing without stopping – 350 feet! After that he did some additional exercises in the gym, then we walked him back to his room and he promptly went to sleep for three hours.

In occupational therapy today he started to work on strengthening his hands. He now has a device in his room that he can use to work on that in his spare time. As his gross motor skills are improving, we would like to see a similar improvement in his fine skill, like his fingers and hands. Occupational therapy also covers basic life skills such as dressing, washing grooming and using the rest room. Grayson is now actively engaged in assisting his care givers in all of these activities.

In speech therapy, Grayson got the biggest treat of all – several sips of water! He was so happy! He also said several new words today there including his first and last name (the last is much easier!), and my personal favorite was his response to the question of where he went to school – USC of course.

His infection was cultured and it turned out to be that particularly nasty staph bug – MRSA. Because he can cough it up, we now have to wear masks when we are with him for the next several days. This is frustrating for him because we start to all look alike. We hope we can get past this non-rehab part quickly.

Thanks again for all of the love, encouragement, support and prayers. God may work in mysterious ways, but I am surprised and delighted every day by that work.


Brant and Regina


  1. From Chris: Fantastic! Three cheers went up over here when we read that Grayson responded 'USC'!! That is so encouraging. We miss you all,
    Love, Chris

  2. Who knew that a few sips of water would be such a treat! I am delighted to hear the progress and continue in prayer for all of you. Cheryl P

  3. Hi Brant and Regina:

    Oh, the WATER! It is SOOOOOOOO good! Praise God that Grayson has improved enough to swallow a little!

    And this OREGON DUCK cried out "Go Trojans!" as I read about Grayson naming his school! [OK, I also rooted for the Trojans against Boston College this past week. Go Pac-10! I even rooted for the Beavers and Cal, but they disappointed. We'll see how Az does today...yup, I'm rooting for even them! Hope the Ducks find a way to win on Friday!]

    We are so pleased to hear about his progress in PT, OT, and Speech-T! During my recovery, I attended all of those "classes" and learned to grow-up all over again, thanks to my wonderful therapists, and I was nearly 60 years old. Grayson will graduate with flying colors, too!

    In Him,

